Excess O2 & Boulder Formation

Excess O2 & Boulder Formation. Hey; We have 3 preheater kilns with PC and bypass system, kiln feed approximately the same for all the kilns, gas fuel source is also the same. Although the three kilns are exactly the same excepts capacity (2000, 4000, and 5000 tpd) the phenomena of boulders formation inside each kiln is different.

red spot on kiln shell

1.The kiln must be shut down if: The affected area is bigger than 1 m 2. The affected area is in a zone where no coating formation is possible. The affected area can not be covered with coating within a certain time (more than 4 hrs) The red spot is close to or under a tire2. 2.If the red spot is less than 1 m2 and located in the burning zone ...

Refractories for Portland Cement Manufacturing | SpringerLink

Kiln is the heart of the cement plant where the clinkerization takes place at high temperature. The kiln is a cylindrical horizontal tube with a very little inclination of 1–2 degrees. The kilns have a diameter of 3 to 7 meters and length of 50–100 m. The kiln rotates on its horizontal axis at a speed of 1.5–4 RPM.

Kiln Inlet Coating

Re: Kiln Inlet Coating. Usually coatings or buildups in this area are due to an elevated sulphur cycle caused by either poor combustion in the main flame, or use of high SO3 fuels such as petcoke. The key is to ensure enough O2 at the kiln inlet to control excessive SO3 recirculation. High sulphur levels in the raw materials can also be a cause.

Experimental Investigation of Mineral Particle …

The formation of regions of solid coating, where agglomerated clinker material adheres to the refractory lining of the kiln wall, is very common during cement clinker prodn. While a thin coating layer protects the …


Factors governing behaviour of minor amounts of CI, K, Na and S in cement production kilns are reviewed. Recirculating loads form as a result of partial volatilisation in the burning zone and are often implicated in formation of build-ups, coating and blockages in cooler parts of the process.


Figure 3: kiln ball at the nose ring Very thin Ettie men Thin coating Little fluid melt SR formation on a regular basis Case 2 (green smiley face): intermittent ball formation. Case 1 - severe, regular ball formation The cement plant in Case I operated with an excess alkali-SO ratio in the clinker and hot meal. Therefore, excess SO cycles

From a mineralogical analytical view to a mechanism evaluation …

The coating formation on the rotary cement kilns walls is a critical phenomenon. The adhering material plays an essential role in the proper functioning of the entire operation. It protects the refractory lining from chemical attacks, thermal shocks and abrasion by the kiln bed, which enhances the reactor lifetime [1, 2]. However, the …

Full-scale investigations of initial deposits formation in a cement

Formation and growth of mineral particle deposits is frequently observed in cement plants and occurs typical in cyclone preheaters, calciners, and rotary kilns. The extent and causes of particle deposition at different locations, however, differ significantly [12]. The build-up forming in preheater cyclones and the cold areas of calciner walls ...

Industrial Scale Kiln Problems and Their Solution with Controlling

However, small temperature interval and short distance inside the rotary kiln, clinker melt phase is formed. Higher the coating on the bricks lining, lower will be the clinker melt phase formation. Soft and thin coating turns to dark in the start of burning zone or over the upper transition zone even within a half a meter.

Formation and Techniques for Control of Sulfur Dioxide and …

the cement kiln system. Sulfur in cement kilns is derived from both kiln feed and from the kiln fuel. The form of the sulfur dictates the location in the kiln where the SO2 generation takes place. Sulfur in the fuel is oxidized in the burning zone or calciner, and is easily removed by reactive lime present in the kiln.


Figure 3: kiln ball at the nose ring Very thin Ettie men Thin coating Little fluid melt SR formation on a regular basis Case 2 (green smiley face): intermittent ball formation. …

The cement kiln

Manufacturing - the cement kiln. Most Portland cement is made in a rotary kiln. Basically, this is a long cylinder rotating about its axis once every minute or two. The axis is inclined at a slight angle, the end with the …

Coating formation in Kiln Inlet

Re: Coating formation in Kiln Inlet. Hi. Coating at kiln inlet ia mainly due to the volatiles like Chlorides, alkalies ( Na2O and K2O) and SO3. To minimise the coating formation, the alkali sulfate ratio should be around 1.1 so that these volatiles will come out as alkali sulfate along with the clinker so that the recirculation inside the kiln circuit will …

Cement Rotary Kiln Questions & Answers

There are three different kinds of kiln shell corrosion are observed in cement kiln systems: 1- Corrosion during kiln operation resulting in scaling of the kiln shell by oxidation of the metallic iron at elevated temperature (so-called high temperature corrosion) as shown in figure-31/A. 2 - Rusting during longer kiln shut downs caused by ...

What are the reasons behind formation of Kiln build-ups

If the kiln is burning under slightly reducing conditions, more volatile and lower melting sulfur salts may form, therefore increasing the severity of …

Effects and Control of Chemical Composition of …

Abstract. This research focused the role to study the effects and ways to control the chemical composition of clinker for better cement production. Cement is a substance produced by grinding a mixture of a …

Impact of coating layers in rotary cement kilns: Numerical

F. Buss a, M. Schiemann a, S. Schaefer b, V. Scherer a Add to Mendeley https://doi/10.1016/j.tsep.2019.100429 Get rights and content Highlights • CFD …

Calculation of the formation process of clinker inside the …

with tendency to form thick ring formation. The found average difference in Heat required for clinker formation between temperature 1338 °C and 1450 °C is 82.26 kJ/kg-clinker representing 2.23% ...

Sustainable Clinker and Cement Production by Using Alternative Fuels

Identify causes for coating formation; Kiln feed analysis through consistency check between raw mill product, kiln feed and clinker analyses, material balances (e.g. K, Na, S, Cl), silo blending efficiency, burnability, and heat consumption ... Alternative fuels and raw materials in cement kilns: Cement quality and concrete performance ...

Impact of coating layers in rotary cement kilns: Numerical

This is likely one of the main causes for the small deviations. It explains the slightly smaller fluid velocity ... The temperature distribution of profile 1 corresponds to a significant coating layer formation in the sintering zone of the furnace. At a distance of 18 m from the kiln outlet the diameter of the free cross section of the kiln is ...

Pyroprocessing and Kiln Operation

January 16, 2023. By. admin. Dr SB Hegde, Professor, Jain University, Bangalore, talks about pyroprocessing and the role of preheater, rotary kiln and clinker cooler in the cement manufacturing process. In the concluding part of the two-part series, we will learn more about the various factors aiding pyroprocessing. False Air in Pyro Processing.

Coating and Burnability of Clinker | SpringerLink

The effect of severity of prevailing condition, inside the kiln, can be mitigated by the formation of a stable coating on the refractory surface. Three different conditions related to coating formation may arise, namely: 1. Stable coating formation of normal thickness, with minimum stress on the Refractory lining. 2.

Impact of coating layers in rotary cement kilns: Numerical

Introduction Section snippets References (42) Cited by (7) Thermal Science and Engineering Progress Volume 15, 1 March 2020, 100429 Impact of coating layers in …


A kiln feed with a high liquid content at clinkering temperatures is more effective in coating formation than a feed low in liquid. Kiln feeds with a …

Chapter 4 Inspection and Maintenance of Dry Kilns and …

or cement. Coat the mortar or cement fillers with a kiln paint after they have set. 3. Cracks that develop because of settling of the struc-ture can be temporarily repaired in the same man-ner as expansion and contraction cracks. To re-duce future maintenance costs, however, determine the cause of the settling and correct it as soon as possible. 4.

Review on the use of sludge in cement kilns: Mechanism, …

The addition of sludge causes a sudden change in kiln temperature, which is detrimental to cement production (Valderrama et al., 2013a). From the characteristics of sludge, it is known that sludge can be used as a raw material for cement production. ... Ring formation in cement rotary kilns is divided into three types: alkali-sulfur-chlorine ...

Manufacturing and Properties of Refractories | SpringerLink

The corrosion resistance to alkalis and a reducing atmosphere, as well as excellent ability for coating formation, make it a good candidate for the lining of burning zone of cement rotary kiln. A good coating formation is the most important property of a basic brick. In practice, a coating will form if the conditions in the kiln are appropriate.

Calculation of the formation process of clinker inside the rotary

Muhammed M. A. Estimating the Thickness of Kiln Shell Coating at the Burning Zone of Cement Kilns Including the Aging Factor. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2016. vol. 35 ...

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